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Sunday School

Before Worship

Important Note:
Sunday School will not meet on the
3rd Sunday of each month.  

(That is Potluck Sunday,
when we have lunch after worship.)

The Old Testament
& the Ancient
Near East

All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts…

-Wm. Shakespeare, from As You Like It.

On Sunday mornings in October we will be starting a slimmed down version of our Sunday evening Bible Study. 


We will consider the Creation, the Flood, the Covenant with Abraham, and more.  


Come and see!

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Epistle of James

Previous Study: 
The Epistle of

The Epistle of James is a pastoral letter, from a true shepherd’s heart.  His purpose is to encourage struggling Christians to find peace in their lives through actively pursuing holiness.  This letter is usually considered to be the New Testament wisdom literature, as Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon are the Old Testament wisdom literature. 


For James, holiness and wisdom are inseparable.  In contrast to Paul’s Epistles, which are usually doctrinal and theological, James is very practical.  He assumes that the reader has proper theology (cf. 2:19f.).  His purpose isn’t to teach doctrine, but to urge his readers to practical holiness that allows the Christian to overcome the trials of life. 

All Bible study materials used in our completed studies are available upon request.  

Broken people, finding hope, in Jesus Christ.

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